
June AGM & Board Meeting

FACTBC held its annual general meeting and quarterly Board meeting on June 1.

Some recent events to share include:

  • FACTBC continues to collaborate nationally with other groups seeking counsellor regulation such that there are now FACT groups active in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Newfoundland — all using the FACTBC policy and governance platform.
  • FACTBC has completed the work of the Registration Working Group so that a college can get up and running as quickly as possible. We can recommend to the first board of the College of Counselling Therapists a detailed draft of a registration protocol that is in alignment with other protected titles in Canada, with the Health Professions Act, and with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (formerly the Agreement on Internal Trade)
  • FACTBC has initiated a member-by-member lobby of every MLA in the current legislature to ensure that all political officials are informed on this issue and have made themselves accountable to specific voters in their riding who are also members of the counselling profession. Meetings with MLAs are planned for June, July, and August 2018. If you’re interested in being an advocate for regulating counselling therapy in BC, please contact Training and materials are available.

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