Petition Update

On October 22nd FACTBC volunteer Kathy O’Connor and FACTBC chair Glen Grigg traveled to the provincial legislature in Victoria with more than 11,000 signatures on a petition calling on the provincial government to regulate Counselling Therapy. Kathy’s MLA, Tracy Redies, introduced Kathy to the Legislature, pointing out Kathy’s work to bring quality and availability to mental health services in BC. MLA Jane Thornthwaite, long-time mental health advocate introduced FACTBC to the House and brought forward the petition.

FACTBC has been talking to elected officials, bring the message that British Columbians need the safety and quality assurance of a College of Counselling Therapists. We are seeing the impact of this advocacy. All of the members of the legislature have been contacted, the majority of elected officials have been visited on behalf of FACTBC by counselling therapists in their constituency, and we consistently receive promises of support.

The next step in regulating counselling therapy in BC is creating the political will to make it happen.

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